Pacific Asset Management (PAM) - the core asset management business of the Pacific Investments Group
PAM’s independent and unencumbered business model allows them to pass the many efficiencies, gained from the evolution of the asset management industry, on to their clients. The firm manages a range of multi-asset solutions which exploit these efficiencies, blending active, passive, smart beta and alternative risk premia.
The single manager business focuses on high conviction investing in less efficient markets where PAM’s active managers can outperform through their skills and expertise. PAM’s highly experienced teams manage investments on behalf of institutions, wealth managers, family offices and financial advisors.
”At Pacific Asset Management, we believe in the power of progress and evolution.
Without legacy to constrain our ambition, we chose to move the asset management model of today into one more relevant for the needs of tomorrow.
In the process, we’ve been able to create more innovative solutions for our clients and partners.”
– Matthew Lamb, Chief Executive Officer